Coordination UA Ruhr
Dr. Hans Stallmann
Coordinator UA Ruhr
Tel.: +49 234 3227892
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Dr. Gunter Friedrich
Coordinator Excellence Consortia UA Ruhr (TU Dortmund)
Tel.: +49 231 755 7556
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Dr. Kathrin Kraushaar
Project Manager UA Ruhr
Tel.: +49 234 3227232
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Susanne Gerlach
Team Assistant UA Ruhr
Tel.: +49 234 3222694
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Contact persons at the universities
Skarlett Brune-Wawer
Executive Director for University Affairs (UDE)
Tel.: +49 203 379 3165
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Holger Kahle
Assistant UA Ruhr/Research Alliance Ruhr (RUB)
Tel.: +49 234 3229711
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Dr. Verena Risse
Head of Staff Unit University and Research Development (TU Dortmund)
Tel.: +49 231 755 5813
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