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Liaison Offices

To promote international cooperation, the University Alliance Ruhr has set up two liaison offices for the regions of Eastern Europe/Central Asia (EECA) and North America. Another liaison office for the region Latin America will open in São Paulo (Brazil) in 2025.

World map showing the UA Ruhr offices in Sao Paulo, New York and Eastern Europe © UA Ruhr

The primary aim of the work of the Liaison Offices is to represent the three partner universities of the UA Ruhr in the respective regions, to make the Ruhr region more visible and better known abroad as an innovative research and science location and to promote international exchange.

Liaison Office North America

871 United Nations Plaza
New York, NY 10017
Phone: +1 (212)-758-3384
E-mail: officeuaruhrde

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Liaison Office Eastern Europe/Central Asia

Phone: + 49 (0) 234 32 27374
E-mail: info.eecauaruhrde

To the website

Liaison Office Latin America

Establishment planned for early 2025

In 2013, the UA Ruhr universities adopted a mission statement for the joint liaison offices in which their tasks and objectives were agreed.