International Mobility Programs
The University Alliance Ruhr offers a wide spectrum of international mobility programs for all career stages. They range from pre-university preparatory courses to summer schools for students all the way to research stays for doctoral candidates, postdocs and experienced researchers.

The Studienbrücke (Study Bridge) preparatory course enables young people from non-EU countries to embark on a degree program at the UA Ruhr after having finished school. It focuses on STEM subjects and economics/business administration. The program was launched by the Goethe-Institut and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) in cooperation with the UA Ruhr. It is coordinated by the Liaison Office Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA).
Transatlantic Ruhr Fellowship Program

Each year, UA Ruhr students can develop their business skills during a summer school as part of the Transatlantic Ruhr Fellowship Program. Then they can gain practical experience in an internship while learning about American company culture in the New York metropolitan area. This program is coordinated by the North American liaison office.
Ruhr Fellowship Program

Each year since 2012, up to 20 students from partner universities in the US have taken part in the Ruhr Fellowship Program run by the UA Ruhr. The eight-week program includes academic and cultural components plus an internship at a company in the Ruhr area. This program is coordinated by the North American liaison office.
Future's Fellows Program

The Future's Fellow program is designed for UA Ruhr early career researchers whose work is aligned with the four research centers’ focus areas. Starting in 2024, they can apply for funding for a research stay in the US. This program is coordinated by the North American liaison office.
Research Explorer Ruhr

Research Explorer Ruhr (RER) is a program for international early career researchers interested in exploring life and the research landscape in the Ruhr area. It is designed for doctoral candidates in the final stage of their thesis and early post-doctoral researchers. The program is coordinated by the Research Academy Ruhr (RAR).
KWI International Fellowship Programs

The KWI International Fellowship programmes are six-month scholarships at the Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities (KWI) in Essen. The scholarships are designed for excellent international researchers from the humanities, cultural studies and the social sciences with a completed doctorate plus up to six years of post-doctoral experience.
International Senior Fellowship Program

The College for Social Sciences and Humanities of the UA Ruhr offers excellent international researchers in the social sciences and humanities the opportunity of a six-month fellowship commencing in the spring or autumn. The programme invites up to 20 visiting scholars per year who collaborate closely with fellow researchers from the UA Ruhr in tandem partnerships.