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Collaborative Research Centers and Transregios

The universities of UA Ruhr offer a broad variety of cutting-edge research that transcends disciplinary borders and achieves international recognition. Financed by the German Research Foundation (DFG), the Collaborative Research Centres (CRC) and Transregios (TR) enhance UA Ruhr’s capacity to develop and share research expertise that shapes the world.

Under the umbrella of our Collaborative Research Centres, scientists conduct cutting-edge research across the spectrum of sciences, generating sustainable results that will continue to benefit society in the long term.

Transregios are Collaborative Research Centres with branches in several locations. In order to receive financial backing, they must pass a strict selection process.

Collaborative Research Centres / Transregios Hochschule:
Speaker or co-applicant
CRC 1242: Non-Equilibrium Dynamics of Condensed Matter in the Time Domain UDE
CRC 1280: Extinction Learning RUB, UDE
CRC 1316: Transient Atmospheric Plasmas – From Plasmas to Liquids to Solids RUB
CRC 1430: Molecular Mechanisms of Cell State Transitions UDE, TU Do
CRC 1439: Multilevel response to stresser increase and release in stream ecosystems UDE, RUB
CRC 1475: Metaphors of Religion: Religious Meaning-Making in Language Use RUB
CRC 1491: Cosmic Interacting Matters RUB, TU Do
CRC 1567: Virtual Environments RUB
CRC 1625: Atomic-Scale Understanding and Design of Multifunctional Surfaces RUB, UDE
TR 110: Symmetries and the Emergence of Structure in Quantum Chromodynamics University Bonn, RUB
TR 129: Oxyflame – Development of Methods and Models to Describe Solid Fuel Reactions Within an Oxy-Fuel Atmosphere RWTH Aachen, RUB
TR 142: Tailored nonlinear photonics: From fundamental concepts to functional structures University Paderborn, TU Do
TR 188: Damage Controlled Forming Processes TU Do
TR 191: Symplectic Structures in Geometry, Algebra and Dynamics RUB
TR 196: Mobile Material Characterization and Localization by Electromagnetic Sensing UDE, RUB
TR 247: Heterogeneous Oxidation Catalysis in the Liquid Phase RUB, UDE
TR 270: Hysteresis design of magnetic materials for efficient energy conversion TU Darmstadt, UDE
TR 287: BULK-REACTION - Reacting and Moving Granular Assemblies With Gas Flow RUB
TR 289: Treatment Expectation - The impact of expectation on health outcome UDE
TR 296: Local control of TH action (LocoTact) UDE