Competence Fields
The University Alliance Ruhr has established structures for long-term inter-university research in four competence fields.
Materials Chain

Materials Chain concentrates and consolidates research in the field of materials science within the UA Ruhr. The objective is to comprehensively and continuously examine the entire materials chain – from the finished structural component down to the atom and the other way around.
Metropolitan Research (KoMet)

The competence field of Metropolitan Research (KoMet) constitutes an internationally visible center for interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary studies on urban agglomerations in the heart of the “Reallabor Ruhr” living lab.

In the Energy – System – Transformation competence field, research is conducted across universities and in an interdisciplinary manner. Its goal is to advance the energy transition holistically by means of select technologies and considering economic and social correlations.
Empirical Economic Research

The Empirical Economic Research (EWF) competence field analyzes economic and social developments in order to identify their effects at an early stage and evaluate economic policy actions based on data. The objective is to contribute to evidence-based politics. For this purpose, the UA Ruhr closely collaborates with RWI – Leibniz Institute for Economic Research.