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Research Center

Future Energy Materials and Systems

Finding sustainable materials for the energy applications of the future is the objective of the Future Energy Materials and Systems research center. Its focus is on exploring fundamental properties and processes relevant to the production and application of complex materials. The aim is to create key components for a sustainable energy system and, at the same time, to replace energy-intensive procedures for producing and processing materials with regenerative approaches.

Prof. Dr Christof Schulz, Director

Portrait of Prof Dr Christof Schulz from the University of Duisburg-Essen. © A. Muchnik​/​CENIDE

“The urgency of the energy transition is becoming clearer by the day. Both in terms of reducing CO2 emissions and independence from fossil fuels, it is now undisputed that a dramatic change in the energy system is imminent. Electrification will be the first step, conversion to chemical storage and transportation media the second.

High-performance functional materials are needed for these technologies. Because their use will increase dramatically, these functional materials must be based on available raw materials. Take hydrogen production, for example: The precious metals previously used for catalysis will no longer be available in sufficient quantities; instead, new multi-element materials will be required, the selection of which will be supported by theory. The functional materials must be integrated into optimized component architectures. The materials must be durable and cost-effective to manufacture and enable species and energy conversion with high levels of efficiency. This requires not only a detailed understanding of the production and processing routes, but also the elucidation of structures and ageing using high-resolution microscopic methods.

At the Research Center Future Energy Materials and Systems, we look at new materials in a systems context and develop them further in an interdisciplinary team. We cover the entire knowledge and value chain in order to develop solutions for the future using accelerated and semi-automated methods.”


Konferenzbanner mit Informationen zur 7. Materials Chain International Conference © Materials Chain​/​UA Ruhr

With the organization of this year's 7th international conference Materials Chain, the Research Center Future Energy Materials and Systems is presenting itself to the international scientific community for the first time.

The 7th international conference Materials Chain: Future Energy Materials and Systems brings together leading scientists in materials science to explore the latest advances and applications of future materials for energy systems. The event will feature talks by the newly appointed professors of the Research Center Future Energy Materials and Systems, invited talks and a poster session, providing a platform for discussing cutting-edge research, sharing insights and fostering collaborations.

Focus and Interdisciplinarity

Cutaway of a person shining a flashlight into the opening of a laboratory apparatus © Katja Marquard​/​RUB

The Research Center focuses on the development of sustainable materials for the energy transition. The aim is to research high-performance functional materials that are based on available raw materials and are cost-effective, durable and energy-efficient. Numerous disciplines from the natural sciences and engineering work together on an interdisciplinary basis: material science, physics, chemistry, information technology, mechanical engineering, process engineering and electrical engineering.

Joint Projects

The innovative research endeavors of the Research Center Future Energy Materials and Systems are based on the successful, cross-location cooperation taking place in numerous collaborative research centers (CRCs) and transregios (TR):

A man in a laboratory suit attaches a strip to a machine in an industrial laboratory © UDE​/​CENIDE -

Non-university Partners

The Research Center Future Energy Materials and Systems is embedded in a strong research environment in the Ruhr region:


Scientific Board

Prof. Dr. Christof Schulz

Director RC FEMS

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Portrait of Prof Dr Christof Schulz from the University of Duisburg-Essen. © A. Muchnik​/​CENIDE

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alfred Ludwig

Scientific Board RC FEMS

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Portrait photo of Prof Dr Alfred Ludwig from the Ruhr University Bochum. © RUB​/​Marquardt

Prof. Dr. Manfred Bayer

Scientific Board RC FEMS

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Portrait of Manfred Bayer © Simon Bierwald​/​TU Dortmund

Further Professorships

Managing Directors

Dr.-Ing. Felicitas Scholz

Scientific Director RC FEMS

Tel.: 0234 3229919
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Portraitfoto Dr. Felicitas Scholz © Nina Noskowiak

Sinah Loerke

Scientific Director RC FEMS

Tel.: 0203 3798155
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Portraitfoto Sinah Loerke © CENIDE