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Research Center

Trustworthy Data Science and Security

How can trustworthy intelligent systems in security-relevant applications be designed? This is what the Trustworthy Data Science and Security research center explores.

cropped section of index finger and thumb holding a gold-colored microchip © Katja Marquard​/​RUB

The Research Centre addresses the challenge of building trust in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Cybersecurity. The focus is on trustworthy systems for safety-critical applications. A human-centred approach shapes the interdisciplinary research on trustworthy data analysis, explainable machine learning, and privacy-aware algorithms. The aim is to develop reliable systems and support people in understanding technology.

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Prof. Dr. Emmanuel Müller, Director

Portrait of Prof Dr Emmanuel Müller from the Technical University of Dortmund. © privat

"We need fundamental research on "Calibrated Trust". Machine learning should be equally perceived as trustworthy by humans but also ensure the necessary technical reliability. A balance between both is important for a sustainable, trustworthy AI!"


The Centre for Trustworthy Data Science and Security envisions a unique interdisciplinary research approach that addresses the entire spectrum of challenges across all facets of trustworthy and privacy-aware technologies. Meaningful progress in these areas requires close collaboration across a variety of disciplines. Therefore, the Research Centre builds upon the strengths of the University Alliance Ruhr in the following fields.

Psychology and Social Sciences:

"We explore the (psychological) mechanisms of how humans interact with AI – focusing on how individuals understand the way that the system works and how they perceive, develop and maintain trust. Our work is empirically driven and encompasses qualitative and quantitative methods." Prof. Dr Nicole Krämer, University of Duisburg-Essen.

An icon with two people inside a magnifying glass. © Research Center TRUST

Data Science and Statistical Learning

"Our group aims to draw more conclusions from our data and better understand the processes and structures underlying data analytics. To accomplish this, we design methods and algorithms based on fundamental statistical concepts, including uncertainty quantification or causation." Prof. Dr. Markus Pauly, TU Dortmund University

An icon with a circuit board and a gear symbolizes Data Science and Statistical Learning. © Research Center TRUST

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

"Our research covers data mining, machine learning, scalable algorithms and interactive exploration of high dimensional data, complex graphs, time series, and data streams. The research lays the foundation for autonomous and trustworthy systems." Prof. Dr. Emmanuel Müller, TU Dortmund University

An icon symbolizing AI: a human head connected to circuit boards. © Research Center TRUST

Collaborative Projects and Graduate Training

The Research Center builds on a strong and long-standing foundation of individual research projects, collaborative projects, and interdisciplinary graduate education. Seven ERC-funded projects, one cluster of excellence, two collaborative research centers, five interdisciplinary graduate schools, and one federal competence center in machine learning are a testament to the strength of research in this area:

Non-university Partners

The Research Center Trustworthy Data Science and Security cooperates with the following partners in the Ruhr metropolitan area:


Scientific Board

Prof. Dr. Emmanuel Müller

Director RC Trustworthy Data Science and Security

Portrait of Prof Dr Emmanuel Müller from the Technical University of Dortmund. © privat

Prof. Dr. Nicole Krämer

Scientific Board RC Trustworthy Data Science and Security

Portrait von Prof. Dr. Nicole Krämer, im Hintergrund stehen zwei Roboter © UDE​/​Fabian Strauch

Prof. Dr. Nils Köbis

Scientific Board RC Trustworthy Data Science and Security

Portraitfoto Nils Koebis © UDE​/​Fabian Strauch

Prof. Dr. Muhammad Bilal Zafar

Scientific Board RC Trustworthy Data Science and Security

Portraitfoto von Prof. Muhammad Bilal Zafar © RUB​/​Marquardt

Prof. Dr. Daniel Neider

Scientific Board RC Trustworthy Data Science and Security

Portraitfoto von Prof. Daniel Neider © Oliver Dietze

Further Professorships

Managing Director

Dr Michel Lang

Managing Director RC Trustworthy Data Science and Security

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