Whether humanities or social sciences, medicine, natural sciences or engineering: the University Alliance has the right study program for everyone. Thanks to the alliance of universities in the Ruhr region, the possibilities for combining subjects are virtually limitless.
How Students Benefit
Three universities, 570 degree courses, four joint degree courses and the opportunity to study across locations: the UA Ruhr offers students in the Ruhr knowledge metropolis a shared educational space with unique diversity.

The student advisory services at all three universities provide support with questions and concerns relating to studying within the University Alliance.

Ruhr University Bochum
Central Student Advisory Service
Phone: +49 234 32-22435
e-mail: zsbrubde

TU Dortmund University
General Student Advisory Service
Information Hotline: +49 231 755-2345
e-mail: zsbtu-dortmundde

University of Duisburg-Essen
Student Councelling and Academic Career Services (ABZ)
Anja Laroche
Phone: +49 203 379-3325
e-mail: anja.larocheuni-duede
Tobias Heibel
Phone: +49 201 183-2004
e-mail: tobias.heibeluni-duede