Cooperation in Teacher Training
The three universities work closely together in the training of teachers. The split degree and extension courses are examples of the good cooperation.
Balancing Course for Grammar School and Comprehensive School Teachers

The universities of Bochum and Dortmund have concluded a cooperation agreement for teacher training at both universities. It is possible to study at both universities at the same time in the so-called "Spagat" course. For example, the first subject can be studied at Ruhr University Bochum and the second subject at TU Dortmund University. Important prerequisite: the chosen combination of subjects is not possible at one of the two universities alone. This results in a total of nine additional subject combinations for prospective teachers in Dortmund and Bochum.
Extension Studies in the Teaching Profession

Thanks to the cooperation between the UA Ruhr, anyone wishing to choose a third subject in their teacher training course has the opportunity to take up an extension course at one of the other university locations. The framework conditions for the third subject are regulated by the examination regulations of the universities. At TU Dortmund University and Ruhr University Bochum, this is also possible in the so-called 'split variant', in which the Master of Education course is completed at one location and the extension course at another.