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Innovative together

Knowledge Transfer

With further education initiatives such as the Ruhr School of Design Thinking and the EUREF Talent Campus, the UA Ruhr is committed to promoting innovation in the Ruhr area.

Ruhr School of Design Thinking

A red cloud on a black background. The Ruhr School of Design Thinking logo is integrated at the top, with the words “Industrial culture becomes innovation culture” in the middle. © UA Ruhr

The Ruhr School of Design Thinking aims to shape the structural change in the Ruhr area through interdisciplinary, innovative and transfer-focused teaching and research. It is a space where institutions and businesses from the region as well as ten chairs of the UA Ruhr universities collaborate under the slogan “Converting industrial culture into a culture of innovation.” They show how design thinking can be used as a method in teaching, research and business in order to accompany the digital and social transformation processes in the Ruhr area.

Learn more (German only)


A field with wind turbines in the background and solar modules on the right. © Fabio​/​

Together with the Hochschule Düsseldorf – University of Applied Sciences, the UA Ruhr plans to offer several international master's study programs in order to equip qualified specialists with the skills necessary for the energy transition. Starting in 2025, the EUREF-Talent Campus in Düsseldorf will offer continuing education programs on future-oriented topics such as energy, construction and mobility providing specialized knowledge on sustainable technologies.

Learn more (German only)