Cooperation with BRYCK
Since 2023, the UA Ruhr has been cooperating with the RAG-Stiftung's start-up and innovation hub BRYCK, which has already supported numerous start-ups on topics such as energy, health and hydrogen.
The start-up and innovation hub BRYCK was founded by the RAG-Stiftung in early 2022. BRYCK brings together founders, investors, scientists and thought leaders from companies with one goal: to shape a future worth living. In September 2023, BRYCK, the RAG-Stiftung and the University Alliance Ruhr signed a Memorandum of Understanding to support them on their journey.

Together with BRYCK and the RAG-Stiftung, we want to support start-up pioneers, promote the start-up culture and strengthen the start-up ecosystem, say the Rectors of the University Alliance Ruhr.
The common goals are
- Strengthening start-up activities at one of Germany's largest and strongest science locations
- Increase start-up motivation and an entrepreneurial mindset at universities
- To introduce students and researchers to start-up projects in order to facilitate more successful start-ups
The first visible success of the cooperation between the universities of the UA Ruhr, BRYCK and the RAG-Stiftung is the strong joint application in the federal government's nationwide lighthouse competition Startup Factories. The aim of the Startup Factory RUHR (German only) is to become a leading European forge for the development of internationally successful tech startups.
With the Startup Factory RUHR, we intend to inspire students in the Ruhr region to take entrepreneurial action and bring scientific innovations into practice more quickly. We want to build a beacon that will become a center of attraction for tech talent from all over Europe and where internationally successful, high-growth tech startups are created to solve global challenges," said Bernd Tönjes (Chairman of the Board of the RAG-Stiftung) and Christian Lüdtke (CEO of BRYCK).